Monday, April 1, 2024

Employer's Role in Employees' Mental Health: A Human Management Perspective.

 Employer's Role in Employees' Mental Health: A Human Management Perspective.

Source: Plansponsor

In today’s fast-paced work environment, organizations have realized the importance of employee mental health and well-being. Human resources (HR) departments need to actively support and encourage mental well-being among employees since they encounter a variety of stressors, problems, and issues related to work-life balance (Rios, 2023). In this blog, we'll look at the role HR plays in workers' mental health and well-being, discuss the advantages of prioritizing employee welfare first, and highlight several important tactics HR can use to promote a happy, healthy workforce.


Risks to Mental Health at Work (WHO, 2022).

·        Under-use of skills or being under-skilled for work.

·        Excessive workloads or work pace, understaffing.

·        Long, unsocial, or inflexible hours.

·        Lack of control over job design or workload.

·        Unsafe or poor physical working conditions.

·        Organisational culture that enables negative behaviours.

·        Limited support from colleagues or authoritarian supervision.

·        Violence, harassment, or bullying.

·        Discrimination and exclusion.

·        Unclear job role.

·        Under- or over-promotion.

·        Job insecurity, inadequate pay, or poor investment in career development; and

·        Conflicting home/work demands.

Source: (ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health & Safety 4th Edition, edited by Jeanne Mager Stellman, ILO Geneva 1998)


Role of HR in Employee Mental Health.

1.      Policy Development.

Businesses would be well to address mental well-being in the workplace by establishing a mental health policy that is well-defined. An example of such a policy, which includes the goals, values, and principles, ( The creation and execution of a workplace mental health strategy and program will improve employees' mental health, boost output inside the organization, and enhance community well-being. Psychosocial intervention programs, stress management education, and health promotion initiatives have been shown to improve mental health (Schwab, (2014-2015)).


2.     Building awareness.

HR may inform staff members about the value of mental health and well-being in an effective manner. HR may foster a culture where employees feel comfortable asking for assistance and support by increasing awareness, disseminating information, and de-stigmatizing mental health concerns (Shad, 2023).


3.     Creating support systems

HR can set up support networks that give employees a secure environment in which to seek advice and assistance, including employee resource groups or private counselling services. These tools support the organization's compassionate and empathic culture. HR can set up workshops and training sessions to teach managers and staff stress management strategies, resilience building, and mental health awareness (Shad, 2023).


4.     Manager training for Mental Health.

Training helps managers recognize and respond to supervisees experiencing emotional distress; builds interpersonal skills like open communication and active listening; and fosters a better understanding of how job stressors affect mental health and can be managed (WHO, 2022)


Benefits of Prioritizing Employee Mental Health (LeavittGroup, 2023).

Making employee mental health and well-being a priority has several advantages for both the workforce and the company, the below list is based on (LeavittGroup, 2023).

1.     Enhanced Performance.

Employees who get mental health support are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and effective. HR can lessen stress and promote a healthy work environment, which can lead to better performance and organizational outcomes.


2.     Increase Employee Retention.

Top talent is more drawn to organizations that prioritize mental wellness. Workers are looking more and more for companies that prioritize their health. Efforts to acquire and retain talent can benefit from a healthy culture.

3.     Boost Innovation and Creativity.

Open communication and teamwork are encouraged in a mentally healthy company. Consequently, this creates a climate in which creative ideas can bloom since staff members are free to voice their opinions without worrying about being judged.

4.     Reduced Absenteeism.

Problems with mental health may be a factor in absenteeism. An encouraging work environment helps employees cope with stress, which lowers the chance of extended absences and improves attendance overall.



In conclusion, companies have a big part to play in supporting the mental health of their workforce. Employers can assist employees achieve better mental health outcomes by fostering a friendly work environment, facilitating access to services, lowering stigma, and offering managerial support. In addition to helping the workers themselves, these initiatives also make the workforce healthier and more effective.




WHO, 2022. Mental Health at Work, s.l.: WHO.

Available on: (Online)

Accessed on: 29.03.2024.

LeavittGroup, 2023. Prioritizing Mental Health in the Workplace: Human Resources and Benefits, s.l.: s.n.

Available on: (Online )

Assessed on: 29.03.2024.

Schwab, K., (2014-2015). World Ecconomic Forum. Geneva, Global Competitiveness Report.

Available on: (Online)

Accessed on:  29.03.2024.

Shad, S. A., 2023. Mental Health in the Workplace: How to Promote Awareness, Empathy, and Action for Mental Health Resources. Northwest University.

Available on: (PDF)

Accessed on: 29.03.2024.

Rios, P. B., 2023. Prioritizing Mental Health: It’s Not A Secret Anymore, s.l.: Forbes.

Available on: (Online)

Accessed on: 29.03.2024.



  1. A very well content and it sheds light on a crucial aspect of workplace dynamics often overlooked. It underscores the significance of employers in fostering a mentally healthy work environment, emphasizing empathy, support, and proactive measures. The post prompts reflection on how businesses can integrate mental health initiatives into their management practices, ultimately benefiting both employees and the organization as a whole.

  2. This insightful blog effectively highlights the critical role of HR in promoting employee mental health and well-being within organizations. It emphasizes the importance of creating supportive policies, building awareness, establishing support systems, and providing manager training. Prioritizing employee mental health not only benefits the workforce but also contributes to organizational success and productivity.

  3. This blog effectively highlights the crucial role of employers, particularly HR departments, in promoting employee mental health and well-being. Prioritizing mental health not only benefits employees but also contributes to organizational success.

  4. Lots of employees leave organizations due to the mental stress that they face and discomfort interms of mental health at work. HR should identify such trends and must implement preventive measures to reduce the staff turnover. A happy workforce always contribute from the best potential to the organization. Therefore, this topic is very critical in terms of human resourece management. You have thoroughly discussed the process of mental health development and their benefits. Insightfull article to read. Good Job!

  5. Through encouraging work-life balance, offering tools for mental wellness, and cultivating a supportive work environment, employers play a critical role in supporting employees' mental health. According to the article, maintaining employee mental health also make some impact to the productivity and the organization performance.


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