Friday, March 29, 2024

Managing Diversity in Your Organization In Today's Context as an HR Manager.

 Managing Diversity in Your Organization In Today's Context as an HR Manager.

In today's globalized world, diversity in the workplace has become increasingly crucial. Managers and HR professionals must comprehend the value of diversity management to guarantee a peaceful and effective work environment. This blog uses case studies from actual workplaces to examine how important it is to manage diversity.


Diversity in the workplace refers to appreciating and embracing the unique abilities and perspectives that each employee brings to the table despite their race, gender, age, language, educational background, physical ability, religious views, and other factors. Erasmus (2007), revealed that diversity can bring both negative and positive outcomes, therefore embracing and managing the changes accurately will take your business to great heights.

Advantages of Having a Diverse Workplace.

1.     Creativity and Innovations.

As human beings, we unconsciously or consciously often tend to gravitate towards people who are like us, as a result, are thinking patterns, and ideas will evolve inside a single frame, even as managers when we sit at the interview panel, we may overlook candidate who are different from us, despite their skills, and instead favor candidates who share similar interest. With the knowledge of Diversity, we can avoid such mistakes and mix things up which will enable us to look in different windows which will increase creativity and innovation as a result can increase the ROI (Gassmann, 2008).

2.     Ability to connect to a wider range of consumers.

If your vision is to connect to a wider range of consumers, consider recruiting a diverse workforce. Employing people with diverse backgrounds, languages, and other characteristics will help your business appeal to a larger target market. Your personnel will be able to relate to customers from various walks of life because they come from a variety of backgrounds.

3.     Increase Performance.

According to research conducted by KDU “Impact of workforce diversity on employee performance” proves that the independent variables in terms of age, educational background, work experience, and attitude on the job, were proved to have a positive and significant impact on employee performance (Dahanayake, 2022).

4.     Reduce Employee Turnover.  

According to a study conducted by Srivastava & Agarwal, (2012), they proved that Organizations that promote and achieve an effective diverse workplace will attract and retain quality employees and increase customer loyalty.

The Challenges of Creating a Diverse Workforce.

Managers must possess certain values, skills, and attitudes to manage diversity effectively. Diversity management involves respect, acceptance, and acknowledgment that individuals are different and unique from each other (Lumadi, 2008).

1.    Communication.

Having a diverse team could lead to communication problems, which could result in communication gaps which in turn might turn into misunderstandings eventually causing conflicts, to avoid this the members must get educated about the differences (Jones & George, 2009).

2.     Professional Etiquette

Traditions vary among cultures causing their attitudes and manners to be different. For example, it is customary for Japanese to bow when they meet someone, as such a Japanese employee might find it disrespectful if a colleague doesn’t (Jones & George, 2009).


HR managers must manage workplace diversity if they are to foster a supportive and welcoming atmosphere. Organizations embracing diversity stand to gain from improved employee engagement, innovation, and problem-solving skills. Prioritizing diversity and inclusion is essential for HR managers if they want to make sure that their organizations succeed and last.



                    Available on:



Dahanayake, W., 2022. Impact of Workforce Diversity on Employee Performance in Sri Lankan Construction Industry. s.l., General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka..

Available on: (PDF)

Accessed on: 29.03.2024.

Srivastava, E., & Agarwal, N. (2012). The emerging challenges in HRM. International journal of scientific & technology research, 1(6), 46-48. 

Available on: (PDF)

Accessed on: 29.03.2024.

Erasmus, L., 2007. The Management Of Workplace Diversity And The Implications For Leadership At Financial Asst Services, Johannesburg: University of Johannesburg.

Available on: (PDF)

Accessed on: 29.03.2024.

Gassmann, O., 2008. Increasing Creativity and Innovation by Diversity. Creativity and Innovation Management, 10(2), pp. 88-95.

Available on: (Online)

Accessed on: 29.03.2024.

Jones, G., & George, J. (2009). Contemporary Management (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Accessed on: 29.03.2024.

Lumadi, M., 2008. Managing diversity at higher education and training institutions: A daunting task. Journal of Diversity Management,, 3(4), pp. 1-10. (PDF)

Available on:  

 Accessed on: 29.03.2024.




  1. Managing workplace diversity is a responsibility for HR managers who want to create a friendly and encouraging environment. Employers who value diversity stand to benefit from increased worker creativity, engagement, and problem-solving abilities. HR managers must prioritize diversity and inclusion if they hope to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of their companies, so you describe it very nicely

  2. Nice content. Managing diversity in a positive way will lead to have a healthily environment and friendly work culture in a company.

  3. "Discover strategies for fostering inclusivity and embracing diversity in your organization with this insightful blog. Learn how to create a workplace where every voice is valued and every individual can thrive. A must-read for leaders committed to building a stronger, more inclusive workforce."

  4. This blog effectively highlights the importance of managing diversity in the workplace and provides insightful reasons why HR managers should prioritize it.

  5. Diversity at workplace is cruicial in the Sri Lankan context since we have a multicultural society. You have outlined the benefits and challenges of diversifying a workplace. Important toipc to discuss.

  6. Promoting an inclusive workplace isn't simply a goal—it's a requirement, as shown by the difficulties an HR manager has when managing diversity in the modern workplace.

  7. Well described the importance of managing diversity in the organization, and it's pro as and cons.

  8. Managing diversity is a very important factor that every organization should consider of..nicely written blog..


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