Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Future of Work: Adapting HR Practices to Changing Landscape

 The Future of Work: Adapting HR Practices to Changing Landscape


(Source: Linkedln)

As technology continues to evolve, the way we work, and the expectations of our employees are changing rapidly. To thrive in this swiftly changing landscape, companies need to adapt their human resources tactics to fulfill the demands of future success. In this blog, we are going to explore the different ways HR can adapt its practices to the changing landscape.

1.     The Future of HR in the Digital Age.

Using digital transformation techniques is essential for HR departments. By automating numerous HR procedures, technology may boost output and decrease downtime (Porath, 2023). For instance, at Kiwi Outsourcing. co, we use Zoom to conduct the interviews and Google Meet for training purposes. It can also boost efficiency by offering real-time data analytics and insights (at Kiwi Outsourcing we use Hubstaff to detect the hours our remote employees work, and what they do during the working hours, through which we can get an accurate & detailed analysis which is useful when conducting Performance evaluations, etc). Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven chatbots are one example of how digital innovation may improve employee engagement and communication.


2.     Evolution of HR Practices.

The old-fashioned 9 to 5 job is slowly disappearing from the workforce (Sharma et al., 2023) For instance at DFCC Bank. SL, there’s a grace period of 1-hour.


3.     Embracing Remote Work.

The COVID-19 pandemic has enhanced the rise of remote work, revolutionized organizational operations, and significantly impacted HR practices (Haque, 2023). Employees can work remotely or from numerous places without impacting their regular work routines (at Wakers Tours, the employees are allowed to select a day between Mon-Fri and use that day to work remotely).


4.     Fostering Diversity and Inclusion.

HR procedures must include all cultures, backgrounds, and viewpoints as businesses become more globally integrated (Al-Hamad et al., 2023). According to an article on DailyFT, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) together with the Federation Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka (FCCISL) has led over 50 private companies in Sri Lanka in advancing gender equality and inclusion of persons with disabilities, and sexual orientation. Thus, we see that many companies in Sri Lanka are moving towards the changing landscape.


(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1viRYE6uAew)


Change is not an overnight thing but it’s a step-by-step process and a continuous process that involves everyone in the company, starting from the CEO to the minor staff. In the face of the changing work landscape, HR strategies need to evolve to meet the demands of the future by new innovations and adjusting to the changing work landscape by staying ahead of the curve, businesses can position themselves for success in the future of work.



Harney, B. and Collings, D.G., 2021. Navigating the shifting landscapes of HRM. Human Resource Management Review31(4), p.100824.

Available on: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053482221000036

Accessed on: 09.04.2024.

Sharma, P., 2023. Innovations in Human Resource Management: Adapting to the Future of Work. Journal of Informatics Education and Research3(2). (PDF)

Available on: https://jier.org/index.php/journal/article/view/297

Accessed on: 09.04.2024.

Haque, S.M.S., 2023. The impact of remote work on hr practices: navigating challenges, embracing opportunities. European Journal of Human Resource Management Studies7(1). (PDF)

Available at: https://oapub.org/soc/index.php/EJHRMS/article/view/1549

Accessed on: 09.04.2024.

Porath, U., 2023. Advancing managerial evolution and resource management in contemporary business landscapes. Modern Economy14(10), pp.1404-1420.

Available on: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=128338

Accessed on: 09.04.2024.

Al-Hamad, N., Oladapo, O.J., Afolabi, J.O.A. and Olatundun, F., 2023. Enhancing educational outcomes through strategic human resources (hr) initiatives: Emphasizing faculty development, diversity, and leadership excellence. Education, pp.1-11.

Available on: chromeextension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://wjarr.com/sites/default/files/WJARR-2023-2438.pdf

Accessed on: 09.04.2024.

Over 50 Lankan firms experience business benefits by promoting diversity, and inclusion at workplace (2023) DailyFT

Available on: https://www.ft.lk/hr/Over-50-Lankan-firms-experience-business-benefits-by-promoting-diversity-inclusion-at-workplace/47-749789

Accessed on: 09.04.2024. 


  1. Thank you for your illuminating insights into 'The Future of Work: Adapting HR Practices to Changing Landscape.' Your comprehensive analysis not only highlights the evolving nature of HR but also offers practical strategies for navigating this dynamic terrain. Bravo on a compelling and informative piece

  2. This blog post discusses many trend which will be normalized in future in terms of HRM.Digitalizing HR and adapting to change is very well highlighted. Insightful article!

  3. the future business world demanding HR adaptability for remote work, AI integration, and diverse talent management. Well gathered information regarding the topic.

  4. Your blog provides a comprehensive overview of the evolving landscape of work and the imperative for HR to adapt accordingly. The integration of digital transformation tools, flexibility in work hours, and the embrace of remote work are all pivotal in navigating the changing dynamics of the modern workplace. Additionally, your emphasis on fostering diversity and inclusion reflects a forward-thinking approach to HR practices, aligning with the global trend towards greater inclusivity. By acknowledging the ongoing nature of change and the necessity for continuous adaptation, your insights offer valuable guidance for businesses seeking to thrive in the future of work.

  5. As you discussed here, HRM must adjust to the changing nature of work by adopting technology, encouraging flexibility, shaping remote work opportunities, and placing a high priority on the skill and well-being of employees.

  6. HR professionals need to adjust to stay ahead of the curve as it negotiate changing employee expectations, changing demographics, and technological improvements.

  7. Change is something that is always an uncomfortable thing, however, your explanation on this show a simplified way forward as it is an essential component in every business. if embracing change is not inculcated into an organisation, it will only be left behind in this everchanging world of business. Nice work.


The Future of Work: Adapting HR Practices to Changing Landscape

  The Future of Work: Adapting HR Practices to Changing Landscape   (Source: Linkedln) As technology continues to evolve, the way we wor...