Tuesday, March 26, 2024

How training influences the performance of employees in the organizations.

          How training influences the performance of employees in the organizations.


There are various factors like training, motivation, technology, management behavior, and working environment, and each factor contributes to overall employee performance but a key factor in improving organizational effectiveness is employee training (Khan, 2012). Employees receive the skills and information needed to succeed in their positions through efficient training programs, which boosts output and performance overall. This blog aims to study the impact of training on the performance of employees.

Equip and Improve Skills.

According to research done by IBM, an employee's abilities typically have a "half-life" of around five years, with more technical skills needing improvement after just 2.5 years. IBM also discovered that annually nearly 30% of skills are lost due to the lack of regular practice or training (Malik, 2020). This implies that employers must focus constantly on training the abilities of the employees.

Employee Satisfaction and Self-Esteem.

Employees who have a greater understanding of the operations of the organization tend to be more satisfied with their jobs and have higher self-esteem. Additionally, training can boost employee loyalty and workplace morale (Waqas Zaki, 2019).

Increased Productivity and Performance.

The effectiveness and productivity of an organization are directly impacted by training. As previously said in the introduction, training helps staff members comprehend their roles and the information and abilities required to carry them out and as a result, their confidence will rise, and as a result will enhance their performance. According to Seismic's 2023 Value of Enablement Report, over 80% of participants think that receiving additional training would enable them to accomplish their objectives and close more deals.

Lower Employee Turnover.

According to the Seismic Report, 50% of employees are thinking about quitting their jobs because of a lack of training. Furthermore, IBM discovered that although 62% of new hires who have access to ongoing training want to stay with their current employer, only 21% of new hires aim to stay at an organization that does not offer training for their current function.


In conclusion, an organization's ability to succeed greatly depends on the ability of its human capital. Training is a key HRM practice. A study conducted in an apparel company in Sri Lanka discovered a significant, positive connection (0.817) between performance and training (Chalani Kuruppu, 2021). Thus, we can see that by providing employees with the necessary skills and knowledge organizations can improve job performance, and ultimately achieve overall performance.


Accessed on: 27.03.024.

 For more videos watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvRxq1YPLL8



Chalani Kuruppu, K. a. N. K., 2021. The Impact of Training on Employee Performance in a Selected Apparel Sector Organization in Sri Lanka. Global Journals Inc, 21(2).

Available on: https://shorturl.at/GHTU1

Accessed on: 26.03.2024.

Khan, M. I., 2012. The Impact of Training and Motivation on Performance of Employees. Business Review, Volume 7, p. 18.

Available on: https://shorturl.at/juQW5

Accessed on: 26.03.2024.

Waqas Zaki, A. A. A. B. a. B. S., 2019. Role of Self-Efficacy in The Relationship of Training and Employee Performance.. Paradigms, 13(Gale Academic OneFile), p. 67+.

Available on: https://shorturl.at/jsvS8

Accessed on: 26.03.2024.

Malik, S., 2020. Skill Transformation for the 2021 Workplace. IBM.

Available on: https://www.ibm.com/blogs/ibm-training/skills-transformation-2021-workplace/

Accessed on: 27.03.2024.


Available on: https://shorturl.at/awES9

Accessed on: 27.03.2024.


Available on: https://seismic.com/resources/reports/seismic-value-of-enablement-report/

Accessed on: 27.03.2024. 


  1. This article effectively highlights the significant impact of employee training on organizational performance. It emphasizes how training enhances skills, boosts employee satisfaction and self-esteem, increases productivity, and reduces turnover rates. The inclusion of relevant research and references adds credibility to the discussion. Overall, it provides valuable insights into the importance of investing in employee development for achieving overall organizational success.

  2. This insightful article delves into the intricate factors that shape ethical conduct in the workplace, underscoring its pivotal significance within human resource management (HRM). It aptly explores ethical quandaries, organizational culture, recruitment norms, and safety protocols, stressing the need for transparency and accountability. Moreover, it underscores the vital role of HRM practitioners in recognizing and effectively managing ethical complexities to uphold workplace integrity and regulatory adherence.

  3. Given training will help to develop employees career, sharpen their current skills and reduce the stress at work, by time passes it will help to improve performances in a company.

  4. Training is another factor that determines the success of an organization. An important function of HRM is to train its members according to the directions to go.

  5. This blog provides a comprehensive examination of the pivotal role training plays in enhancing employee performance and organizational effectiveness. It underscores the importance of continuous skill development and its impact on employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. Overall, it offers valuable insights for HRM strategies aimed at maximizing the potential of human capital through effective training initiatives.

  6. This blog provides a thorough analysis of how training positively impacts employee performance, emphasizing its crucial role in enhancing skills, satisfaction, and productivity. It underscores the importance of investing in employee training to foster a more competent and engaged workforce, ultimately leading to organizational success.

  7. Training and development is very important of driving the organization towards success. You have discussed how training improves the skills and performance of employees and how that affect the organization. Important topic to discuss. Well done!

  8. Well organized, good article with a nice explanation

  9. Your blog effectively highlights the critical role of training in enhancing employee performance and overall organizational effectiveness. By equipping employees with the necessary skills and knowledge, training not only boosts productivity but also contributes to higher job satisfaction and lower turnover rates. The statistics and research cited underscore the importance of investing in employee development for long-term success. Your conclusion well summarizes the key points, emphasizing the significance of human capital and the positive impact of training on organizational performance. Overall, a compelling exploration of the relationship between training and employee performance.

  10. Training undoubtedly plays a pivotal role in shaping employee performance within organizations.

  11. You have well explained the methods of how training can influence the performance of the employees and that's gonna depicts the company success.


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