Friday, March 29, 2024

Managing Diversity in Your Organization In Today's Context as an HR Manager.

 Managing Diversity in Your Organization In Today's Context as an HR Manager.

In today's globalized world, diversity in the workplace has become increasingly crucial. Managers and HR professionals must comprehend the value of diversity management to guarantee a peaceful and effective work environment. This blog uses case studies from actual workplaces to examine how important it is to manage diversity.


Diversity in the workplace refers to appreciating and embracing the unique abilities and perspectives that each employee brings to the table despite their race, gender, age, language, educational background, physical ability, religious views, and other factors. Erasmus (2007), revealed that diversity can bring both negative and positive outcomes, therefore embracing and managing the changes accurately will take your business to great heights.

Advantages of Having a Diverse Workplace.

1.     Creativity and Innovations.

As human beings, we unconsciously or consciously often tend to gravitate towards people who are like us, as a result, are thinking patterns, and ideas will evolve inside a single frame, even as managers when we sit at the interview panel, we may overlook candidate who are different from us, despite their skills, and instead favor candidates who share similar interest. With the knowledge of Diversity, we can avoid such mistakes and mix things up which will enable us to look in different windows which will increase creativity and innovation as a result can increase the ROI (Gassmann, 2008).

2.     Ability to connect to a wider range of consumers.

If your vision is to connect to a wider range of consumers, consider recruiting a diverse workforce. Employing people with diverse backgrounds, languages, and other characteristics will help your business appeal to a larger target market. Your personnel will be able to relate to customers from various walks of life because they come from a variety of backgrounds.

3.     Increase Performance.

According to research conducted by KDU “Impact of workforce diversity on employee performance” proves that the independent variables in terms of age, educational background, work experience, and attitude on the job, were proved to have a positive and significant impact on employee performance (Dahanayake, 2022).

4.     Reduce Employee Turnover.  

According to a study conducted by Srivastava & Agarwal, (2012), they proved that Organizations that promote and achieve an effective diverse workplace will attract and retain quality employees and increase customer loyalty.

The Challenges of Creating a Diverse Workforce.

Managers must possess certain values, skills, and attitudes to manage diversity effectively. Diversity management involves respect, acceptance, and acknowledgment that individuals are different and unique from each other (Lumadi, 2008).

1.    Communication.

Having a diverse team could lead to communication problems, which could result in communication gaps which in turn might turn into misunderstandings eventually causing conflicts, to avoid this the members must get educated about the differences (Jones & George, 2009).

2.     Professional Etiquette

Traditions vary among cultures causing their attitudes and manners to be different. For example, it is customary for Japanese to bow when they meet someone, as such a Japanese employee might find it disrespectful if a colleague doesn’t (Jones & George, 2009).


HR managers must manage workplace diversity if they are to foster a supportive and welcoming atmosphere. Organizations embracing diversity stand to gain from improved employee engagement, innovation, and problem-solving skills. Prioritizing diversity and inclusion is essential for HR managers if they want to make sure that their organizations succeed and last.



                    Available on:



Dahanayake, W., 2022. Impact of Workforce Diversity on Employee Performance in Sri Lankan Construction Industry. s.l., General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka..

Available on: (PDF)

Accessed on: 29.03.2024.

Srivastava, E., & Agarwal, N. (2012). The emerging challenges in HRM. International journal of scientific & technology research, 1(6), 46-48. 

Available on: (PDF)

Accessed on: 29.03.2024.

Erasmus, L., 2007. The Management Of Workplace Diversity And The Implications For Leadership At Financial Asst Services, Johannesburg: University of Johannesburg.

Available on: (PDF)

Accessed on: 29.03.2024.

Gassmann, O., 2008. Increasing Creativity and Innovation by Diversity. Creativity and Innovation Management, 10(2), pp. 88-95.

Available on: (Online)

Accessed on: 29.03.2024.

Jones, G., & George, J. (2009). Contemporary Management (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Accessed on: 29.03.2024.

Lumadi, M., 2008. Managing diversity at higher education and training institutions: A daunting task. Journal of Diversity Management,, 3(4), pp. 1-10. (PDF)

Available on:  

 Accessed on: 29.03.2024.



Wednesday, March 27, 2024



Source: AIHR


In the dynamic and ever-changing modern workplace, companies are always looking for new and creative ways to improve employee retention, engagement, and skill development. Job rotation is one such tactic that has become more popular in recent years. Job rotation is the practice of switching employees between departments or jobs inside a company.


Increase Employee Motivation.

A study on the impact of work rotation practices on employee motivation found a strong correlation between job rotation and motivation. According to a study conducted at Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka, Fernando and Dissanayake, 2019 mentioned that employees who can switch up their responsibilities and advance their knowledge, abilities, and skills are more driven at work, which enhances productivity and raises motivation levels all around.


Skill Development.

By exposing employees to various departments of the company, job rotation serves as a means of improving their knowledge, skills, and capacities. It enables staff members to obtain a thorough awareness of many roles, divisions, and procedures. It is possible to use job rotation within a department, within departments, or even between Strategic Business Units (Saravani Shahin Rasouli, 2013). An employee's ability to solve problems can be improved by exposure to various roles. They learn about many facets of the company and can use this information to better address challenging problems (Allwood, 2004).

Increased Engagement.

Job rotation frequently results in higher levels of motivation and engagement among employees. Their passion for their career may be rekindled by the chance to pick up new abilities and take on novel challenges. Job rotation can help keep personnel engaged and lessen boredom as employees can become disengaged from their employment over time (Al-Romeedy, 2019).

Talent Retention.

Employees are more inclined to remain around an organization if they believe there are opportunities for their personal and professional development. One effective strategy for keeping a quality number of employees on staff is job rotation (Diego Battiston, 2023).
Organizations need to have a pool of competent leaders on hand who are prepared to take on pivotal roles in Succession planning. Rotating jobs makes it easier to spot and develop high-potential workers for leadership positions (Rowley, 2013).



Job rotation is a useful strategy for improving worker productivity in the modern workplace. Job rotation helps keep companies inventive and competitive by giving staff fresh challenges and chances. Organizations must carefully plan and implement work rotation programs, considering the specific needs and goals of their employees as well as the organization as a whole, to optimize the benefits of job rotation.




Fernando, A.G.N.K. and Dissanayake, D.M.R.S.,2019. The effect of job rotation practices on employee job performance; mediating role of intrinsic motivation (with special reference to the private commercial banks in Sri Lanka). International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, 9(5).

Available on:

Accessed on: 27.03.2024.


Saravani, S.R. and Abbasi, B., 2013. Investigating the influence of job rotation on performance by considering skill variation and job satisfaction of bank employees. Tehnicki Vjesnik/Technical Gazette20(3).

Available on: (PDF)

Accessed on: 27.03.2024.

Allwood, J.M. and Lee, W.L., 2004. The impact of job rotation on problem solving skills. International Journal of Production Research42(5), pp.865-881.

Available on: (PDF)

Accessed on: 27.03.2024.

Al-Romeedy, B.S., 2019. The role of job rotation in enhancing employee performance in the Egyptian travel agents: the mediating role of organizational behavior. Tourism Review74(4), pp.1003-1020.

Available on:

Accessed on: 27.03.2024.

Battiston, D., Espinosa, M. and Liu, S., 2023. Talent poaching and job rotation. 

Available on: SSRN 3778068

Accessed on:27.03.2024.

Rowley, R.S., 2013. Succession planning.

Available on:

Accessed on: 27.03.2024.









Tuesday, March 26, 2024





For many years, money has been considered a strong motivator that influences employee satisfaction and performance. Financial incentives are a common tool used in human resource management (HRM) practices to encourage staff members to work towards company objectives. The role of money in employee motivation in today's dynamic workplace is a topic of great interest. Using anecdotes and research, this blog examines how financial incentives affect employee motivation.


Financial Rewards and Employee Motivation.

Financial rewards like bonuses and pay increases are important sources of motivation for employees all over the world. A study conducted by Maheesha and Perera (2018), found that financial incentives are highly valued in the Sri Lankan context by employees, often leading to increased job satisfaction and improved performance.

Impact on Job Performance.

Employee performance can also be impacted by money. Employee effort and productivity can be raised via incentive pay schemes, such as pay-for-performance or incentives linked to individual or team objectives (Lazear, 2000). This was supported by a study conducted by Gerhart and Milkovich (1990), which found a favorable correlation between incentive compensation and worker performance. Furthermore, a study conducted by Shibly and Weerasinghe (2019), in the Sri Lankan context, found that employees who earned larger bonuses were more driven to meet their goals, which enhanced performance.

Perceptions of Fairness.

We know that performance can greatly be impacted by money. Employee efforts and productivity can be raised via schemes such as pay for performance, or incentives linked to individual or team objectives (Lazear, 2000). Even though financial incentives are important in the path of motivation, a study conducted by Edirisooriya (2014), based on the Sri Lankan context shows that failure to be fair in the distribution of the rewards will result in employee demotivation. Therefore, HRM practices must ensure that monetary rewards are distributed fairly.

(Ariely, 2009), What Makes Us Feel Good About Our Work?

(This talk discusses the psychology of motivation, including the role of money).



In conclusion, in the modern workplace financial compensation plays a major role in employee motivation. However, to sustain employee motivation and happiness, HRM strategies should carefully craft financial incentives that are in line with organizational objectives and guarantee fairness.


Ariely, D. (2009). What makes us feel good about our work? [TED Talk]. TED Conferences.

Available on:

[Accessed on: 22.03.2024.]

 Gerhart, B., & Milkovich, G. T. (1990). Organizational differences in managerial compensation and financial performance. Academy of Management Journal, 33(4), 663-691.

Lazear, E.P., 2000. Performance pay and productivity. American Economic Review90(5), pp.1346-1361.

Maheesha, &. G. P., 2018. The Impact of Incentive Programs on Job Performance: A Study of Office Employees in Selected Manufacturing Companies in Colombo District, Sri Lanka. Human Resource Management Journal,, 6(2012-7227).

Available on:

[Accessed on: 22.03.2024]

Edirisooriya, WA 2014, “Impact of Rewards on Employee Performance: With Special Reference to ElectriCo” 3rd International Conference on Management and Economics, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka

Available on:

[Accessed on: 22.03.2024.]

Shibly, M., & Weerasinghe, T. D. 2019. Impact of Financial Rewards on Work Motivation of Operational Level Employees: Evidence from a Leading Manufacturing Organization in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Advanced Social Studies, pp. 01-17.

Available on:

[Accessed on: 22.03.2024]


How training influences the performance of employees in the organizations.

          How training influences the performance of employees in the organizations.

There are various factors like training, motivation, technology, management behavior, and working environment, and each factor contributes to overall employee performance but a key factor in improving organizational effectiveness is employee training (Khan, 2012). Employees receive the skills and information needed to succeed in their positions through efficient training programs, which boosts output and performance overall. This blog aims to study the impact of training on the performance of employees.

Equip and Improve Skills.

According to research done by IBM, an employee's abilities typically have a "half-life" of around five years, with more technical skills needing improvement after just 2.5 years. IBM also discovered that annually nearly 30% of skills are lost due to the lack of regular practice or training (Malik, 2020). This implies that employers must focus constantly on training the abilities of the employees.

Employee Satisfaction and Self-Esteem.

Employees who have a greater understanding of the operations of the organization tend to be more satisfied with their jobs and have higher self-esteem. Additionally, training can boost employee loyalty and workplace morale (Waqas Zaki, 2019).

Increased Productivity and Performance.

The effectiveness and productivity of an organization are directly impacted by training. As previously said in the introduction, training helps staff members comprehend their roles and the information and abilities required to carry them out and as a result, their confidence will rise, and as a result will enhance their performance. According to Seismic's 2023 Value of Enablement Report, over 80% of participants think that receiving additional training would enable them to accomplish their objectives and close more deals.

Lower Employee Turnover.

According to the Seismic Report, 50% of employees are thinking about quitting their jobs because of a lack of training. Furthermore, IBM discovered that although 62% of new hires who have access to ongoing training want to stay with their current employer, only 21% of new hires aim to stay at an organization that does not offer training for their current function.


In conclusion, an organization's ability to succeed greatly depends on the ability of its human capital. Training is a key HRM practice. A study conducted in an apparel company in Sri Lanka discovered a significant, positive connection (0.817) between performance and training (Chalani Kuruppu, 2021). Thus, we can see that by providing employees with the necessary skills and knowledge organizations can improve job performance, and ultimately achieve overall performance.


Accessed on: 27.03.024.

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Chalani Kuruppu, K. a. N. K., 2021. The Impact of Training on Employee Performance in a Selected Apparel Sector Organization in Sri Lanka. Global Journals Inc, 21(2).

Available on:

Accessed on: 26.03.2024.

Khan, M. I., 2012. The Impact of Training and Motivation on Performance of Employees. Business Review, Volume 7, p. 18.

Available on:

Accessed on: 26.03.2024.

Waqas Zaki, A. A. A. B. a. B. S., 2019. Role of Self-Efficacy in The Relationship of Training and Employee Performance.. Paradigms, 13(Gale Academic OneFile), p. 67+.

Available on:

Accessed on: 26.03.2024.

Malik, S., 2020. Skill Transformation for the 2021 Workplace. IBM.

Available on:

Accessed on: 27.03.2024.


Available on:

Accessed on: 27.03.2024.


Available on:

Accessed on: 27.03.2024. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024




Source: UBC Blogs

People face ethical choices every day. Is it wrong to use the company email for personal use? Or is it wrong to use the company-given router to help your children, spouse or any family member do their work? compare your answers by doing the quiz in Figure 1.1: The Wall Street Journal Workplace Ethics Quiz. But why include ethics in human resource management? Firstly, Ethics is not theoretical, Instead, it greases the wheels that make the business work. Ethical behaviour fosters trust among employees, which is crucial for maintaining positive work (Brown & Mitchell, 2010). Secondly, ethical dilemmas are part of HRM, one survey found that 6 out of 10 most serious ethical work issues- workplace safety, employee records & privacy security, employee theft, affirmative action, and comparable work were HR-related (Wooten, 2001).

Ethical Dilemmas In HRM.

The cultural norms and societal expectations present problems for HRM in Sri Lanka. For example, juggling employee rights with conventional hierarchical systems might give HRM practitioners moral conundrums. To navigate these complications while maintaining ethical standards, strategies that support open communication and employee empowerment are crucial (H.D.N.P.Opatha, 2012).

Organizational Culture.

The ethical behaviour of an organisation is greatly influenced by its culture. Businesses such as MAS Holdings and in an international context Google have cultivated an environment of openness and honesty that has helped employees make moral decisions (MAS, 2024). Employees are urged to report any unethical activity through private channels, which fosters an environment of trust and accountability inside the company (Google,2020).


HRM dilemmas in Sri Lanka frequently centre on matters like favouritism and nepotism. To lessen these difficulties and maintain moral standards at work, HRM specialists are responsible for making sure that hiring and promotion procedures are fair and transparent, as it’s done to attract the right people, at the right time, to the right positions (H.D.N.P.Opatha, 2012).

Occupational Safety.

HRM is essential to implementing workplace safety procedures and training initiatives since it safeguards workers (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, & Cardy, 2016). Similarly, in the case of employee records & privacy security, HRM is responsible for safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring data protection measures are in place (Kavanagh, Thite, & Johnson, 2019).


HRM ethics are essential to upholding confidence, creating a happy workplace, and guaranteeing legal and regulatory compliance. To maintain ethical standards in the workplace, HRM professionals need to be aware of ethical challenges and know how to handle them.


MAS Holdings. (n.d.). Ethics and Compliance.  

Available on:

[Accessed on: 20.03.2024]

Google. (2020). Google's Code of Conduct.

Available on:

[Accessed on: 20.03.2024]

Opatha, H.D.N.P. (2012). Human Resource Management, Nugegoda: Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

Available on:

[Accessed on: 20.03.2024] 

Wooten, K., 2001. Ethical dilemmas in human resource management: An application of a multidimensional framework, a unifying taxonomy, and applicable codes. Human Resource Management Review, 11, p. 161

Available on:

[Accessed on: 20.03.2024]

Brown, M. E., & Mitchell, M. S. (2010). Ethical and unethical leadership: Exploring new avenues for future research. Business Ethics Quarterly, pp, 583-616

Available on:

[Accessed on: 20.03.2024]

Kavanagh, M. J., Thite, M., & Johnson, R. D. (2019). Human resource information systems: Basics, applications, and future directions. Sage Publications.

Available on:

[Accessed on: 20.03.2024]

Gomez-Mejia, L. R., Balkin, D. B., & Cardy, R. L. (2016). Managing human resources. Pearson

Available on:

[Accessed on: 20.03.2024]



The Future of Work: Adapting HR Practices to Changing Landscape

  The Future of Work: Adapting HR Practices to Changing Landscape   (Source: Linkedln) As technology continues to evolve, the way we wor...