Thursday, March 21, 2024




Source: UBC Blogs

People face ethical choices every day. Is it wrong to use the company email for personal use? Or is it wrong to use the company-given router to help your children, spouse or any family member do their work? compare your answers by doing the quiz in Figure 1.1: The Wall Street Journal Workplace Ethics Quiz. But why include ethics in human resource management? Firstly, Ethics is not theoretical, Instead, it greases the wheels that make the business work. Ethical behaviour fosters trust among employees, which is crucial for maintaining positive work (Brown & Mitchell, 2010). Secondly, ethical dilemmas are part of HRM, one survey found that 6 out of 10 most serious ethical work issues- workplace safety, employee records & privacy security, employee theft, affirmative action, and comparable work were HR-related (Wooten, 2001).

Ethical Dilemmas In HRM.

The cultural norms and societal expectations present problems for HRM in Sri Lanka. For example, juggling employee rights with conventional hierarchical systems might give HRM practitioners moral conundrums. To navigate these complications while maintaining ethical standards, strategies that support open communication and employee empowerment are crucial (H.D.N.P.Opatha, 2012).

Organizational Culture.

The ethical behaviour of an organisation is greatly influenced by its culture. Businesses such as MAS Holdings and in an international context Google have cultivated an environment of openness and honesty that has helped employees make moral decisions (MAS, 2024). Employees are urged to report any unethical activity through private channels, which fosters an environment of trust and accountability inside the company (Google,2020).


HRM dilemmas in Sri Lanka frequently centre on matters like favouritism and nepotism. To lessen these difficulties and maintain moral standards at work, HRM specialists are responsible for making sure that hiring and promotion procedures are fair and transparent, as it’s done to attract the right people, at the right time, to the right positions (H.D.N.P.Opatha, 2012).

Occupational Safety.

HRM is essential to implementing workplace safety procedures and training initiatives since it safeguards workers (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, & Cardy, 2016). Similarly, in the case of employee records & privacy security, HRM is responsible for safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring data protection measures are in place (Kavanagh, Thite, & Johnson, 2019).


HRM ethics are essential to upholding confidence, creating a happy workplace, and guaranteeing legal and regulatory compliance. To maintain ethical standards in the workplace, HRM professionals need to be aware of ethical challenges and know how to handle them.


MAS Holdings. (n.d.). Ethics and Compliance.  

Available on:

[Accessed on: 20.03.2024]

Google. (2020). Google's Code of Conduct.

Available on:

[Accessed on: 20.03.2024]

Opatha, H.D.N.P. (2012). Human Resource Management, Nugegoda: Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

Available on:

[Accessed on: 20.03.2024] 

Wooten, K., 2001. Ethical dilemmas in human resource management: An application of a multidimensional framework, a unifying taxonomy, and applicable codes. Human Resource Management Review, 11, p. 161

Available on:

[Accessed on: 20.03.2024]

Brown, M. E., & Mitchell, M. S. (2010). Ethical and unethical leadership: Exploring new avenues for future research. Business Ethics Quarterly, pp, 583-616

Available on:

[Accessed on: 20.03.2024]

Kavanagh, M. J., Thite, M., & Johnson, R. D. (2019). Human resource information systems: Basics, applications, and future directions. Sage Publications.

Available on:

[Accessed on: 20.03.2024]

Gomez-Mejia, L. R., Balkin, D. B., & Cardy, R. L. (2016). Managing human resources. Pearson

Available on:

[Accessed on: 20.03.2024]




  1. Good article, but some of the important areas have been left out. The article could be improved by adding more relevant content. Nevertheless, I'm impressed by the information you provided. Thank you for sharing your blog.

  2. Ethics is a great topic to discuss very well prepared article

  3. Ethical approach plays a major role

  4. This article provides valuable insights into the multifaceted aspects influencing ethical behavior in the workplace, emphasizing its critical role in human resource management (HRM). By addressing ethical dilemmas, organizational culture, recruitment practices, and occupational safety, it underscores the importance of fostering a transparent and accountable environment. Additionally, it highlights the significance of HRM professionals' awareness and adept handling of ethical challenges to maintain workplace integrity and compliance.

  5. Good explanation. thank you for sharing.

  6. This blog provides valuable insights into the multifaceted aspects that shape ethical behavior in the workplace, highlighting the significance of ethics in human resource management. By addressing ethical dilemmas and discussing strategies to navigate them, it emphasizes the importance of fostering a culture of trust, accountability, and fairness within organizations. Overall, it offers practical perspectives for HRM professionals to uphold ethical standards effectively.

  7. Organizations have a major responsibility to protect ethical behavior. You have discussed many factors that affect these ethical behaviors.If you could discuss some solutions to the ethical behavior gap that would be really precious.

  8. Maintaining trust, fostering a positive work environment, and ensuring legal and regulatory compliance all depend on HRM ethics. HRM professionals need to be aware of ethical challenges and know how to handle them in order to uphold ethical standards in the workplace.

  9. Your blog effectively delves into the importance of ethical behavior in the workplace, particularly within the realm of human resource management. By highlighting real-life ethical dilemmas and their implications for HRM practitioners, you provide valuable insights into the complexities of navigating ethical challenges. I appreciate how you underscore the role of organizational culture, recruitment practices, and occupational safety in shaping ethical behavior at work. Overall, a well-articulated exploration of the critical role of ethics in HRM and its impact on fostering trust, accountability, and a positive work environment.

  10. Understanding the factors that shape ethical behavior at work is crucial for fostering a culture of integrity and trust within organizations.


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