Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Future of Work: Adapting HR Practices to Changing Landscape

 The Future of Work: Adapting HR Practices to Changing Landscape


(Source: Linkedln)

As technology continues to evolve, the way we work, and the expectations of our employees are changing rapidly. To thrive in this swiftly changing landscape, companies need to adapt their human resources tactics to fulfill the demands of future success. In this blog, we are going to explore the different ways HR can adapt its practices to the changing landscape.

1.     The Future of HR in the Digital Age.

Using digital transformation techniques is essential for HR departments. By automating numerous HR procedures, technology may boost output and decrease downtime (Porath, 2023). For instance, at Kiwi Outsourcing. co, we use Zoom to conduct the interviews and Google Meet for training purposes. It can also boost efficiency by offering real-time data analytics and insights (at Kiwi Outsourcing we use Hubstaff to detect the hours our remote employees work, and what they do during the working hours, through which we can get an accurate & detailed analysis which is useful when conducting Performance evaluations, etc). Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven chatbots are one example of how digital innovation may improve employee engagement and communication.


2.     Evolution of HR Practices.

The old-fashioned 9 to 5 job is slowly disappearing from the workforce (Sharma et al., 2023) For instance at DFCC Bank. SL, there’s a grace period of 1-hour.


3.     Embracing Remote Work.

The COVID-19 pandemic has enhanced the rise of remote work, revolutionized organizational operations, and significantly impacted HR practices (Haque, 2023). Employees can work remotely or from numerous places without impacting their regular work routines (at Wakers Tours, the employees are allowed to select a day between Mon-Fri and use that day to work remotely).


4.     Fostering Diversity and Inclusion.

HR procedures must include all cultures, backgrounds, and viewpoints as businesses become more globally integrated (Al-Hamad et al., 2023). According to an article on DailyFT, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) together with the Federation Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka (FCCISL) has led over 50 private companies in Sri Lanka in advancing gender equality and inclusion of persons with disabilities, and sexual orientation. Thus, we see that many companies in Sri Lanka are moving towards the changing landscape.


(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1viRYE6uAew)


Change is not an overnight thing but it’s a step-by-step process and a continuous process that involves everyone in the company, starting from the CEO to the minor staff. In the face of the changing work landscape, HR strategies need to evolve to meet the demands of the future by new innovations and adjusting to the changing work landscape by staying ahead of the curve, businesses can position themselves for success in the future of work.



Harney, B. and Collings, D.G., 2021. Navigating the shifting landscapes of HRM. Human Resource Management Review31(4), p.100824.

Available on: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053482221000036

Accessed on: 09.04.2024.

Sharma, P., 2023. Innovations in Human Resource Management: Adapting to the Future of Work. Journal of Informatics Education and Research3(2). (PDF)

Available on: https://jier.org/index.php/journal/article/view/297

Accessed on: 09.04.2024.

Haque, S.M.S., 2023. The impact of remote work on hr practices: navigating challenges, embracing opportunities. European Journal of Human Resource Management Studies7(1). (PDF)

Available at: https://oapub.org/soc/index.php/EJHRMS/article/view/1549

Accessed on: 09.04.2024.

Porath, U., 2023. Advancing managerial evolution and resource management in contemporary business landscapes. Modern Economy14(10), pp.1404-1420.

Available on: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=128338

Accessed on: 09.04.2024.

Al-Hamad, N., Oladapo, O.J., Afolabi, J.O.A. and Olatundun, F., 2023. Enhancing educational outcomes through strategic human resources (hr) initiatives: Emphasizing faculty development, diversity, and leadership excellence. Education, pp.1-11.

Available on: chromeextension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://wjarr.com/sites/default/files/WJARR-2023-2438.pdf

Accessed on: 09.04.2024.

Over 50 Lankan firms experience business benefits by promoting diversity, and inclusion at workplace (2023) DailyFT

Available on: https://www.ft.lk/hr/Over-50-Lankan-firms-experience-business-benefits-by-promoting-diversity-inclusion-at-workplace/47-749789

Accessed on: 09.04.2024. 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Impact of Employer Branding on Talent Acquisition.

 Impact of Employer Branding on Talent Acquisition.

Source: India Employer Forum
Source: India Employer Forum


Attracting the Best and the Brightest is vital for a company’s survival and development since Human capital is a valuable resource that contributes to the organization’s success (Xie, Bagozzi & Meland, 2015). 

In the current context, job applications are undertaken with the same detailed research as any other purchasing decisions (e.g. buying a pair of shoes: we look at the reviews, we compare the quality, prices, and comfortability). We know that the ability to attract and retain top talent is essential for any organization's success. This is where an investment and focus on the employer brand is critical.  In this blog, we will dive deep into the importance of employer branding and how it can impact the success of the organization. 

Understanding Employer Brand and Employer Branding.

Employer Brand: 

As for Willian Tincup, employer brand is “your company’s identity, it’s your unique scent.” In other words, it’s the organization’s reputation as an employer (Cooke, 2022). 

Employer Branding: 

Employer Branding on the other hand is the practice of managing the business reputation as an employer among the internal staff and job seekers, this is also called as “employer of choice”. Employer of choice status brings many advantages to the company (Daley, 2024). It lowers marketing costs as they become more attractive to customers and buyers. Employee performance increases, as both the employer and the employee are more engaged and less stressed.

Importance of Employer Branding:

According to research done by “Jobvite’s 2020, job seeker nation report” 75% of job seekers consider a company’s employer brand before applying (Cleavinger, 2023). A big reason that employer branding is so important today is every candidate active or passive mainly focuses on the identity of the company (O'Donoghu, 2021). A good employer branding strategy can help attract better talent, cut down on hiring costs, and reduce employee turnover. Employer branding isn’t just about the reputation a company has by ‘doing a good job’ but it focuses on what makes it the “employer of choice” while maintaining its Employer Value Proposition (EVP) (culture, values, work-life balance, vision, career growth, and leadership) has a really great impact on the company’s Return On Investment (ROI). 

Understanding the Impact of Employer Branding on Talent Acquisition.

The employer brand can influence people when deciding whether to apply for a position at your company in the first place, (Weerasinghe, & Weerawardena, 2018). The employer brand is greatly influenced by current employees, referrals, word of mouth, and any existing relationships that your company has. A positive employer brand will boost recruiting, employee engagement, and retention (Hull, 2023).

1. Attracting Top Talent.

Strong employer brands serve as a magnet, when the organizational brand conveys its’ positive image it’s only a matter of time before attracting quality applicants (experienced or not, having the right attitude is the most important aspect of a quality candidate) who share the organization's values and long-term goals. 

2. Employee Retention.

A strong brand not only helps in attracting but also fosters employee loyalty which results in retention. When they are appreciated and recognized within the company they become brand ambassadors, promoting positivity through the most powerful weapon, - word-of-mouth. 

3. Reduce overall cost. 

With experience we know that hiring new talents is costly, it’s not just money, but the time spent on conducting the interviews and training the member. But with a strong brand, the organization can spend less on advertising, or outsourcing agencies, but because of the goodwill, the candidates will come looking for you. Also because of the existing loyalty of the employees the turnover rate will decrease, which will result in cost reductions associated with recruitment. 

4. Gaining Competitive Advantage. 

In the battle of winning against candidates with the right attitudes, the brand provides the advantage of securing top talent. You are more likely to stand out when the candidates look more favorably because of the brand. 

5. Return On Investment.

The more you spend on developing your brand image, it results in building your workforce that can drive innovation and growth and secure the future of the organization. 


Employer Branding is no longer considered a word but a strategic implementation for an organization’s current and future success as it has the power to attract and retain top talent. Companies can enhance their significance by developing a strong employer value proposition, and goodwill, which will acquire a competitive advantage in the market. 


Xie, C., Bagozzi, R. P., & Meland, K. V. (2015). The impact of reputation and identity congruence on employer brand attractiveness. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 33(2) pp 124-146.

Available on: https://shorturl.at/vwDN1 (Online)

Accessed on: 04.04.2024.


Weerawardane, S. and Weerasinghe, T., 2018. The connection of employer branding to recruitment: a critique. Kelaniya J. Hum. Resour. Manag13, p.21.

Available on: https://shorturl.at/ejDE8 (PDF)

Accessed on: 04.04.2024.

Hull, N., 2023. Branding. Attracting Top Talent to Your Organisation, 18 July.

Available on:  https://www.claremontconsulting.com/the-power-of-employer-branding-attracting-top-talent-to-your-organisation

Accessed on: 04.04.2024.

 The Importance of Employer Branding in Recruitment (2023) Linkedin. (Online)

Available on: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/importance-employer-branding-recruitment-fabhr-nmh3f/

Accessed on: 04.04.2024.

Cleavinger, A., 2023. The Power of Employer Branding in Attracting Top Talent, 26 September. (Online)

Available on: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/power-employer-branding-attracting-top-talent-aaron/

Accessed on: 04.04.2024.


The impact of employer branding on the recruitment process (2021) Buildout Recruitment (Online)

Available on: https://www.buildoutrecruitment.co.uk/news/news/the-impact-of-employer-branding-on-the-recruitment-process

Accessed on: 04.04.2024.


Cooke, K., 2022. Employer Branding: Definition, Process, Strategy, Measurement, and Resources, 5 July. (online)

Available on: https://beamery.com/resources/blogs/employer-branding-definition-process-strategy-and-resources

Accessed on: 04.04.2024.


Daley, S., 2024. Employer Branding, 25 May. (Online)

Available on: https://builtin.com/employer-branding

Accessed on: 04.04.2024.


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Empowering Leaders

          Empowering Leaders: The Role of HR in Leadership Development.

                                                 Source: Peoples Development Magazine


In today’s dynamic business environment, leadership development is not just a perk but a crucial part of any organizational success as it involves nurturing and guiding individuals to evolve into effective leaders (Dessler, 2012).

1.     Understanding Leadership Development.

Leadership development is one of those topics that does not have a set definition, therefore finding the right definition could be quite a challenge (1. online). So will consider a few of the available definitions, according to Avolio & Hannah, (2008), “Leadership development (LD) involves a lifelong process of learning, self-discovery, and skill development aimed at enhancing leadership effectiveness and the capacity to influence others positively”. According to Conger & Fulmer, (2003), “LD, is the process of expanding the capacity of individuals to perform in leadership roles within organizations”.

2.     Understanding the importance of Leadership Development.

Firstly, LD is important because company executives' leadership qualities affect how employees perform at all levels of the organization. For instance, Employee Retention, Return on Investment, High performance and productivity, better customer satisfaction, etc.

Secondly, it helps with succession planning, allowing a seamless flow of quality candidates. Finally, LD is an essential element for the growth of the business. If a talented leader is not created the entire organization will suffer needlessly. Leadership development aims to better equip individuals to handle the many demands and novel problems that life may throw.

3.     Key Components of Effective Leadership Development.

·       Self-Assessment: This enables prospective leaders to recognize their areas of strength and growth.

·       Training and Education: This includes classes, seminars, and workshops that give leaders the necessary know-how and abilities.

·       Mentoring and coaching: Skilled leaders mentor and assist up-and-coming leaders in their development.

·       Real-World Experience: Giving aspiring leaders the chance to oversee groups or projects enables them to obtain real-world experience.

HR Role and HR Strategies for Leadership Development.

HR Role in Leadership Development (2):

Leadership development is greatly aided by the HR division. HR plays a key role in developing leadership talent within the company by helping to identify future leaders, giving them chances for training and development, and organizing their succession.

1.     Identifying the Potential:

HR is responsible for locating individuals within the company who possess the potential to be leaders. This entails evaluating workers' performance, abilities, and talents to see if they are qualified for leadership positions. To find and develop future leaders, HR employs a variety of techniques, including competency evaluations, talent reviews, and performance reviews.

2.     Succession Planning:  

Talent is recognized and trained for taking important leadership roles. HR makes sure that there is a seamless transition when current leaders retire or depart the company by identifying possible successors early on. The stability and efficacy of the organization depend on this continuity.

3.     Creating a Leadership Pipeline (Conger & Flumer, 2003),

HR works to create a leadership pipeline ensuring the flow of quality candidates. This entails spotting potential employees early in their careers and giving them chances to advance professionally. Through the establishment of a leadership pipeline, HR guarantees that the company has a reservoir of skilled executives to select from.

HR Strategies for Leadership Development (3).

1.     Mentorship and Coaching.

Coaching and mentoring are important for those who can develop and help retain talent. Continuous learning is a key aspect of leadership development. HR can facilitate this by providing a variety of learning opportunities, such as workshops, seminars, courses, and training programs.

2.     Creating a Culture of feedback and recognition.

This can be done by performance reviews such as 360-degree evaluation, 180-degree evaluation, object-based evaluation so on and so forth.  

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhxAWRPr6y8


HR is an essential part of the process of leadership development because it finds, develops, and nurtures the next generation of leaders inside a company. Organizations can ensure long-term success, foster innovation, and growth, and establish a robust leadership pipeline by allocating resources toward leadership development.


Dessler, G., 2012. Human Resource Management. 13 ed. United States of America: Prentice Hall (Pearson Education, Inc) (PDF)

Available on: https://shorturl.at/vDHT5

[Accessed on: 01.04.2024].

Hannah, S.T., Avolio, B.J., Luthans, F. and Harms, P.D., 2008. Leadership efficacy: Review and future directions. The Leadership Quarterly19(6), pp.669-692. (PDF)

Available on: https://shorturl.at/HIKM5

Accessed on: [01.04.2024].


Conger J. A., Fulmer R. M. (2003). Developing your leadership pipeline. Harvard Business Review, 81 (12), 76–84

Available on: https://hbr.org/2003/12/developing-your-leadership-pipeline

[Accessed on: 01.04.2024].

(1.) Leadership Development: Definition and Literature Review. (Online).

Available on: https://edubirdie.com/examples/leadership-development-definition-and-literature-review/

 [Accessed 01.04.2024].

(2.)What is Leadership Development? The Process, Who it's for, & why it's Important. (Online).

Available on: https://skylineg.com/resources/blog/what-is-leadership-development

[Accessed on 01.04.2024].

(3.) The Pivotal Role of HR in Leadership Development. (Online)

Available on: https://shorturl.at/syB15

[Accessed on 01.04.2024].

Monday, April 1, 2024

Employer's Role in Employees' Mental Health: A Human Management Perspective.

 Employer's Role in Employees' Mental Health: A Human Management Perspective.

Source: Plansponsor

In today’s fast-paced work environment, organizations have realized the importance of employee mental health and well-being. Human resources (HR) departments need to actively support and encourage mental well-being among employees since they encounter a variety of stressors, problems, and issues related to work-life balance (Rios, 2023). In this blog, we'll look at the role HR plays in workers' mental health and well-being, discuss the advantages of prioritizing employee welfare first, and highlight several important tactics HR can use to promote a happy, healthy workforce.


Risks to Mental Health at Work (WHO, 2022).

·        Under-use of skills or being under-skilled for work.

·        Excessive workloads or work pace, understaffing.

·        Long, unsocial, or inflexible hours.

·        Lack of control over job design or workload.

·        Unsafe or poor physical working conditions.

·        Organisational culture that enables negative behaviours.

·        Limited support from colleagues or authoritarian supervision.

·        Violence, harassment, or bullying.

·        Discrimination and exclusion.

·        Unclear job role.

·        Under- or over-promotion.

·        Job insecurity, inadequate pay, or poor investment in career development; and

·        Conflicting home/work demands.

Source: (ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health & Safety 4th Edition, edited by Jeanne Mager Stellman, ILO Geneva 1998)


Role of HR in Employee Mental Health.

1.      Policy Development.

Businesses would be well to address mental well-being in the workplace by establishing a mental health policy that is well-defined. An example of such a policy, which includes the goals, values, and principles, (https://shorturl.at/dhjuQ). The creation and execution of a workplace mental health strategy and program will improve employees' mental health, boost output inside the organization, and enhance community well-being. Psychosocial intervention programs, stress management education, and health promotion initiatives have been shown to improve mental health (Schwab, (2014-2015)).


2.     Building awareness.

HR may inform staff members about the value of mental health and well-being in an effective manner. HR may foster a culture where employees feel comfortable asking for assistance and support by increasing awareness, disseminating information, and de-stigmatizing mental health concerns (Shad, 2023).


3.     Creating support systems

HR can set up support networks that give employees a secure environment in which to seek advice and assistance, including employee resource groups or private counselling services. These tools support the organization's compassionate and empathic culture. HR can set up workshops and training sessions to teach managers and staff stress management strategies, resilience building, and mental health awareness (Shad, 2023).


4.     Manager training for Mental Health.

Training helps managers recognize and respond to supervisees experiencing emotional distress; builds interpersonal skills like open communication and active listening; and fosters a better understanding of how job stressors affect mental health and can be managed (WHO, 2022)


Benefits of Prioritizing Employee Mental Health (LeavittGroup, 2023).

Making employee mental health and well-being a priority has several advantages for both the workforce and the company, the below list is based on (LeavittGroup, 2023).

1.     Enhanced Performance.

Employees who get mental health support are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and effective. HR can lessen stress and promote a healthy work environment, which can lead to better performance and organizational outcomes.


2.     Increase Employee Retention.

Top talent is more drawn to organizations that prioritize mental wellness. Workers are looking more and more for companies that prioritize their health. Efforts to acquire and retain talent can benefit from a healthy culture.

3.     Boost Innovation and Creativity.

Open communication and teamwork are encouraged in a mentally healthy company. Consequently, this creates a climate in which creative ideas can bloom since staff members are free to voice their opinions without worrying about being judged.

4.     Reduced Absenteeism.

Problems with mental health may be a factor in absenteeism. An encouraging work environment helps employees cope with stress, which lowers the chance of extended absences and improves attendance overall.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJvViFv1CDM


In conclusion, companies have a big part to play in supporting the mental health of their workforce. Employers can assist employees achieve better mental health outcomes by fostering a friendly work environment, facilitating access to services, lowering stigma, and offering managerial support. In addition to helping the workers themselves, these initiatives also make the workforce healthier and more effective.




WHO, 2022. Mental Health at Work, s.l.: WHO.

Available on:https://shorturl.at/jlFSV (Online)

Accessed on: 29.03.2024.

LeavittGroup, 2023. Prioritizing Mental Health in the Workplace: Human Resources and Benefits, s.l.: s.n.

Available on:  https://news.leavitt.com/human-resources-benefits/prioritizing-mental-health-in-the-workplace/ (Online )

Assessed on: 29.03.2024.

Schwab, K., (2014-2015). World Ecconomic Forum. Geneva, Global Competitiveness Report.

Available on: https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/world-economic-forum/ (Online)

Accessed on:  29.03.2024.

Shad, S. A., 2023. Mental Health in the Workplace: How to Promote Awareness, Empathy, and Action for Mental Health Resources. Northwest University.

Available on: https://shorturl.at/eIY36 (PDF)

Accessed on: 29.03.2024.

Rios, P. B., 2023. Prioritizing Mental Health: It’s Not A Secret Anymore, s.l.: Forbes.

Available on: https://shorturl.at/bwAI5 (Online)

Accessed on: 29.03.2024.


The Future of Work: Adapting HR Practices to Changing Landscape

  The Future of Work: Adapting HR Practices to Changing Landscape   (Source: Linkedln) As technology continues to evolve, the way we wor...